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Jackie Prime Project - Calling all graduate students!!

About the Organization:

The Jackie Prime Project is designed to promote compassionate knowledge of the natural world and our place within it. Our mission is to motivate people to take interest in the world, connect their lives and live with vitality by developing empathy and compassion for others through understanding that humanity is a part of nature. We promote natural ecological research efforts and conservation, with a particular focus on primate fieldwork, and facilitate understanding through shared knowledge.
The primary objectives of the Jackie Prime Project are:

A. Educate – to create awareness and spread knowledge about our environment and ecosystems, to highlight the value and intrigue of endangered plant and animal species, and to illustrate the similarities and differences of human cultures.

B. Inform – to draw public attention to the anthropological, zoological, and environmental research efforts within the academic community by featuring subjects of study for individuals developing their own education.

C. Conserve – to promote the protection and conservation of the smaller apes: gibbons and siamangs.

There are three divisions of the Jackie Prime Project:
Prime Earth
2. Up in the Trees
3. Under the Canopy
Interested in showcasing your hard work and research efforts outside of academia? We are currently developing a bulletin to be showcased on our website.
The Jackie Prime Project would like to formally invite you to submit a personal write-up about your graduate research and interests to be showcased in our upcoming web bulletin: What We Know. The write up does not need to be extensively detailed or elaborate. Please include basic information about who you are, what you are interested in or what got you interested in your subject/discipline. Explain what you are currently working on with a brief description of your thesis or research question(s) and the significance or importance of your work. Give a brief description of your methodology and a conclusion that either sums up what you expect to find or gives some direction for your future research.

PLEASE NOTE: You can do a write up on a recent degree you finished (so you can write about your MA thesis if you don't think you have enough to say about your dissertation just yet), or you can write about current progress on your dissertation. If you have something additional that you have been working on for a conference presentation you can also write on that.

Please keep in mind when writing: this is your opportunity to showcase yourself! Feel free to make yourself sound as awesome and exciting as possible (but stay honest – no claims of superhuman powers). Take this opportunity to speak candidly, passionately and honestly about what you love about what you do. Remember the idea is to promote yourself and provide incentive or inspiration to someone reading this to get into your field of study or at least think what you do is worth paying attention to.

If you are interested in submitting a summary of your work please contact us for further details at


Can I write about what is compassionate to me, teaching children and how I love what I do and always feel so rewarded when a child learns something because I am awesome at what i do?

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