Learning Thai is not as simple as taking the English word, translating it into Thai, and putting the sentence back together. Oftentimes a sentence in Thai is actually the backwards version of the English sentence, and several words like pronouns, conjunctions and functional grammar words (is, be, are, etc.) are not used when speaking Thai. Sometimes I’ve noticed when I am speaking in Thai quickly incorrect words that sound similar to the correct English word somehow work their way into my Thai sentences, which really makes no sense at all. And many times, in casual conversations, I’ll be searching my brain for the Thai equivalent of a slang English word that just doesn’t exist. But learning another language is all good fun. And I have come to realize that, though when communicating with native English speakers I might appreciate the wit and timing of a well placed sarcastic remark or phrase; when speaking with Thai people, most of the time I am extremely appreciative that I can eve...