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Lights, Camera, ACTION!

Recently Khao Yai was the subject of a popular television show here in Thailand called the "Navigator". 
Camera set up.
I got to spend a few days tagging along on some of their escapades as they gathered footage for the show.

Forest = Check.
Looking for the crocodile.

Animals = Check.
Elephant Night Safari.

Cameras = READY!
Photographing the gaur.

Lots of laughs and awesome adventure!!
Nothing beats hanging out with people who love to do, what you love to do!

Check back in the upcoming weeks for the Prime Earth "Navigator" special episode when the guys join me for a day of gibbon data collection and we discuss the dangers of tourists feeding monkeys in the park.

Show airs December 10th, 2010 & December 31st, 2010 (two part series).


Jessie Lee said…
Can't wait to see the up and coming episodes!!!

December 17, 2010 9:42 AM
Optimus Prime said…
I can't post comments when viewing this on my ipod. Bah! I like this blog because of the pictures! Very cool!

December 22, 2010 11:24 PM

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