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Showing posts from March, 2010

Yawt Mai Jack-ah-yahn!! Woo Hoo!!

Guess who is the proud new owner of a TOTALLY FREAKING AWESOME NEW TREK BIKE! Me. I am asking you, how beautiful is this bike?! Olympic Triathlon HERE I COME! …right after I buy a helmet and spend the rest of the year riding around this mountain to build some leg strength :) Work it. Work it.

Why did we invent cooking!

You know my life would be MUCH easier if humans just never invented cooking!! Thank goodness for rice makers. Put rice in pot, add water, flick switch, and walk away. Done and Done!! But I can only eat so much rice before I turn into some kind of crazy “Survivor” impersonator (minus the “emaciated beach glamour” look)... So every once in a while I attempt to ‘heat up’ something I’ve found at the grocery store. I can barely cook Canadian food, so cooking Thai food is one step ABOVE impossible for me but I persevere. Today I tried to make some premade pork buns. The directions are in Thai, but the pictures say it all: Take the buns out of the package. Put them in a pot. Wait 8 minutes – steam lines indicate heat is present, then consume. Seems simple enough. Until 8 minutes later (after my pork buns have basically disintegrated into the water I boiled for them), I realize that the picture indicates STEAM the pork buns, not BOIL the pork buns. But this is all I have to ...