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Worst Day Ever.

You know, I have dealt with some pretty gross things in my life.
I worked at a public pool; I worked at a veterinary clinic. I’ve cleaned up everything that gets excreted from both kids and pets. I’ve assisted with some pretty intense animal surgeries (removing tumours, cleaning horrific abscesses). I’ve helped people whose toes and fingers were twisted and nearly completely detached.

And, honestly and truly, I have done all those things with ease, only once feeling like I was going to vomit and needed to take a break (…which for those of you wondering was during a truly horrific abscess surgery on a cat's face).

Today, however, officially achieved the title for the most horribly revolting thing I have ever had to do in my life!!

Because, today, when I got home from the forest…
… the rat…
…was behind my fridge…
…and with the heat and humidity here, it was already beginning to decompose…

It took me about an hour to muster the strength to remove it.
It took me about 30 minutes to actually get it out of the house.
I almost cried 3 times by this point.
I freaked out A LOT.
It took me another 30 minutes to disinfect the kitchen with a rag on a stick.
I almost cried a 4th time at this point.



Alicia said…

you know what would probably make you feel better? draw a picture of him and put it on your wall. i'll go find steve the pimp and send him your way.

also? the good news? i guess you don't have to worry about random soap thefts....

sorry to hear about your awful day. :( when i come, we will be sure to stay somewhere super luxurious to make up for it all!
Heather and I once say a squirel decompose from begining (sept) to end (june) one school year. ha ha ha. Every day we would stop and look every day on our way to and from school and see what point he was at. Pretty gross.
Aldershot Scott said…
We had a squirrel get loose in our house once. It came down the chimney and jumped out of the fireplace. Did I mention that we had a fire in the fireplace at the time, and that the squirrel was on fire? Squirrels are hard to catch. Flaming squirrels are even harder. Let's just say this story does not end well for mr squirrel.

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