Recently I reaquainted with an old friend of mine from highschool who asked me if I was dating anyone. I pleasantly reminded him about how difficult I am to get along with :) and he promptly replied... (of course, first by agreeing, but then qualifying it) with "You're a busy lady, so whenever you are ready to fit someone in then you will!!"
Irrespective of whether or not this is true or this is just something polite to say to 'career-driven single women'. This has catapulted me into some reflexive thought about the people in my life (past, present, etc). The people that come, and go, and stay, and the ones (both successful and not) who basically work their way in despite my complete and total lack of effort or awareness... hmm, perhaps that last statement essentially covers everyone :) ... but most importantly, all the people that actually PUT UP with my "difficultness."
My friends are awesome. I have the best friends.

People that so easily and willingly accept that being out of sight does not equal out of mind for me; who recognize that even though I might not always call or text or email, I still very much want and need them in my life. People who support me in everything that I do, even though I sometimes do apparently crazy things - like go and live in the rainforest for months at a time or make eccentric "Olympic size" plans for myself - YOU KNOW what I'm talking about :) People who actually engage in indepth conversation with me about the trials and tribulations of squatter toilets and glass houses ;)

People who know that even though I often say tremendously naive things and sometimes question their every move and detail of their lives, that I do so from a place of genuine inquistiveness, totally free of judgement, and full of interest in absorbing information from their personal stories and journeys. They always just simply understand that I'm on a mission that, in actuality,
ISN'T as tremendously selfish and egocentric as it appears to be, even though it makes me oblivous to things like the world outside my own head sometimes :)
MAN! I have the best friends!!

I've set aside many things in order to be able to do what I love to do and to get to where I am today
- which still is only a stepping stone to get me where I want to go. Sometimes I think of this as a sacrifice; other times it just makes sense to me as totally normal. And now as I teeter on the edge of fulfilling my first "life goal," I really hope all my friends realize and know how much I truly appreciate each and every one of them for letting me learn from them and live vicariously through them.

Hearing someone say "well I know it's important to you" or just showing up anyways or coming to visit without even having to ask or responding to one of my ideas with "well I totally think
you can do it, and that's exciting" is truly one of the most powerful forms of human connection. And it's pretty cool for me now (as I grow into my true self and as I'm about to 'set sail' on the biggest expedition to date) to be able to reflect on how much more I know about life and humanity from sharing in
their experiences, relishing
their accomplishments with them, and working through the obstacles
So now I'm about to leave again, this time for a much longer period than ever before. And of course, in a year or so's time, I'll be back and ready to pick up precisely where we left off, expecting all of you to abide. :) But I wanted to let you know: I don't mean to be so difficult, please don't ever think I have to fit you into my life. I could not be so bold to do what I do without you. I make time for you, and I take you with me everywhere I go.
by the way, thanks for posting that horribly atrocious picture of me. next time, give me a little warning. i will be sure to send you a picture of me looking GLAMOUROUS instead of looking like a scrabble-playing ninja.
in all seriousness though, you know i love you. this will be further proven when i brave squatter toilets, glass houses, and a trek through the rainforest to come see you.
you are a crazy fool, but we are crazy fools together.
LOVE YOU LOTS! can't wait to go visit you and your gibbons.
Best of luck this next year and hopefully we plan the wedding when you are either finished and home, or maybe just visiting because I'd love to have you there! Lol maybe I will tell A-Ron we are just going to have to wait till you get home :)