Two nights in Bangkok and you've lost 10lbs of water weight just from carrying your backpack down the street to the skytrain, you now own a dress that does not fit (always too small), you've purchased two universal adapters because you didn't read the package the first time and had to go back for another one after realizing that the plugs here are two prong, not three prong, and you've quickly realized that you walk faster than EVERYONE in this city, even when you are trying to walk slow!
So... I have arrived once again in Thailand. Got in pretty late last night around 11:30pm, though my flight arrived an hour earlier then scheduled, so that was cool. Here's a picture of me sitting in the Tokyo airport, click on it and you will see the board with the flight info.
I managed to click the camera right after the English turned to Japanese, so you will just have to trust me that it says Bangkok up there. And yes, this picture was also partly about the skinny Hulk Hogan look-a-like. Basically last night I just went to bed when I got here, I had a pretty long and grueling trip here with 4 different flights,
lots of bad airplane food, and very, VERY little sleep. Today was all about getting out of the business district and into a cheaper part of town, lots of walking, some shopping, and kinda just wandering around to pass the time until tomorrow.
Hopefully by Saturday I will be heading out to Khao Yai, and then I will probably be there for the next two weeks. Even though Bangkok is a major international city and continuously full of activity, there actually isn't that much for me to do here. So today I walked the stores, three times to be exact, tomorrow I might check out a movie. And now I am doing computer stuff to pass the time. I'm hoping that I actually don't have to spend that much time here in Bangkok on this trip because roaming the malls in the city gets old pretty fast, and at least in Khao Yai if I'm bored I can just go to the forest and hang out with the gibbons.
For the most part Bangkok is exactly the same,
although some things are slightly different. The giant wall of construction blocking off the opposite corner to the MBK is now gone and the Bangkok Art and Culture Centre now stands in it's place.
So that's cool, I might check that out if I spend more time here. Maybe it will explain what this [see picture of statue out front] is all about.
I walked behind a group of kids wearing Thai Scout uniforms and tap shoes in the mall today for about 10 minutes. I have NO IDEA why they were wearing tap shoes, all of them clippty clopping like horses on cobblestone roads through the mall. I couldn't figure out if they knew they were tap shoes meant for dancing, or if they just thought 'hey this is cool these shoes make noise' ... it kinda seemed like they just liked that their shoes made noise... they certainly weren't breaking out into any kind of choreographed dance in the mall, as would be expected of those wearing tap shoes and matching outfits.
Well I hope everyone is having a wonderful Canada Day back home, and enjoying a day full of relaxation and a night full of FIREWORK MANIA!
All too often students begin fieldwork full of anticipation and high hopes for big adventure, only to end up burned out and on their way home within a month. This has inspired me to write a post about what it takes to survive primate behavioural research for people who may be considering taking this "road less traveled by" in the future. I won't water it down for you; primate research is not for everyone. Fieldwork is an uphill road, overloaded with obstacles that will test your personal strength every step of the way. (Perhaps there's a reason we opted to leave the forest and culture up our lives, oh so many years ago :). But if you've got what it takes to push yourself beyond the comforts of the average everyday world, and you're interested in finding out just how strong an individual you really are, then studying primates is one of the most inspirational and rewarding jobs available! Think you've got what it takes? Here are my tips for what it...