You are NEVER GOING TO BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENED!... Ha, ha. Just kidding. I just did that to see if I could freak my Mom out. Sorry Mom :) Don't worry, there are no tigers here anymore... well maybe there is still one left, we aren't sure...and by "we" I mean the park staff along with myself :) These are pictures of the stuffed toy tiger we have at our place that was once used in a predator alarm call study on the gibbons. And seeing as it made me nearly jump out of my skin pretty much on every one of my nightly trips to the bathroom, I thought I'd give it a try on YOU... ha ha ha :) So my "business" trip to Thailand is coming to an end. I'm heading out this morning for the airport at 3:30am and my flight leaves at 6:50am. Not so much looking forward to the 27 hour trip home, or having to make another 24-27 hour trip back here in another 4 months or so, but as for THIS trip. I have had a BLAST! Being back in Thailand at Khao Yai and in the forest ha...