There's nothing like gathering up all your personal belongings and cramming them into a trailer in a shadeless parking lot on a balmy 35 degree day of sweltering heat and humidity.
Oh the joys of Carbondale.
I have to say, after 5 years of shacking up in the Chateau #3, no matter how happy I am to be "temporarily permanently" moving out of Carbondale, I was still a bit misty eyed to see my place so barren on my last night there.

Even though Carbondale is not my favourite place in the world, I really did create a nice little "Canadian Haven" for myself to hangout in... or hideout in... to help pass the time while I've been down there for school.
Moving is hard work - with all the sorting, organizing, stacking, packing, taping, labelling, carting stuff around, loading things in

then taking them all out when you've found something else that should've gone in first, re-loading, re-positioning, trying to balance the weight in the trailer; and then finally saying SCREW IT and chucking out everything that remains that is not already in a box regardless of what it is, and then jamming left over pieces into whatever nooks and crannies are available... all the while knowing: "once we get there, we have to take this apart all over again!" :)
But moving is also exciting because it's change, something new is coming - a whole new opportunity to accumulate junk to be stuffed into drawers and closets ready to be tossed out at the next move :)

But also because it's sort of like another opportunity to reinvent yourself. A chance to find new things to express yourself, to recreate a new space and a new place for yourself in the world again. And I also think it's sort of a chance to have your habits and interests highlighted - if you are interested in things like self awareness at all - because it gives you a chance to reflect on the things that changed from one place to the next, and the things that stayed the same. I always find stuff like that very interesting... like purple curtains, somehow I always end up with purple curtains everywhere I go.
I guess I like purple curtains.
Oh, and I've decided that from now on: no more drawers or closets - all open concept; no hidden spaces, no places for junk to go, I either need it or I don't! This is the plan for the next place :)
Aunt Annette says: :you're not emply nesters until the kids get their stuff out of the basement.
What is it called when you can't get into the basement for the stuff??
Anyone need dishes? pots? a bathroom cupboard? shelves? a sofa? purple curtains??