Wanderlust: an irresistible desire to travel to understand one’s very existence. … Moments before midnight on January 25 th 2007, I stepped off a Boeing 777 and shuffled my way through air-con-icebox corridors following a wave of people into the expansive white warehouse style rooms of the Suvarnabhumi airport. I collected my backpack and walked out into the thick humid Bangkok air for the very first time. I climbed into the prearrange car service I set up only a few hours earlier from Hong Kong, and was rocketed off to a mysterious hotel booked by my friend who’s flight was delay until the next day. It’s been 6 and a half years since that initial tentative excursion, but now traveling to Thailand is just a habitual part of my way of life. I think about it all the time. My friends will tell you I talk about it all the time. Sometimes I even take it for granted, and “I could never do that” comments from friends and strangers when referring to my life startle me. Anyone can do th...