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Showing posts from November, 2010

The Good Life.

My neighbourhood. My house. My bike. My sweet ride. My work. My girls. The other day I was doing dishes in my outdoor kitchen when this overwhelming feeling of contentment came over me: this is exactly where I'm supposed to be right now. It's been a mentally exhausting and emotionally draining trip since I left comfortable Canada 7 years ago, dealing with the extreme ridiculousness that is "life" in graduate school and my weird semi-existence in Carbondale. But if I had to go through all that in order to get me to one year in rural Thailand, then it was absolutely worth it to be where I am now. Taking it all in everyday. Loving every moment living the good life.

Rats Be GONE!

Plugged up the rat hole in the bathroom today... ...I don't know, do you think I got it?

Look at these little gems!!

Anyone who knows me, knows I LOVE notebooks. And now anyone who reads my blog also knows. These are my new favourites!!

Life Under the Canopy - Survival Tips for Primate Research.

All too often students begin fieldwork full of anticipation and high hopes for big adventure, only to end up burned out and on their way home within a month. This has inspired me to write a post about what it takes to survive primate behavioural research for people who may be considering taking this "road less traveled by" in the future. I won't water it down for you; primate research is not for everyone. Fieldwork is an uphill road, overloaded with obstacles that will test your personal strength every step of the way. (Perhaps there's a reason we opted to leave the forest and culture up our lives, oh so many years ago :). But if you've got what it takes to push yourself beyond the comforts of the average everyday world, and you're interested in finding out just how strong an individual you really are, then studying primates is one of the most inspirational and rewarding jobs available! Think you've got what it takes? Here are my tips for what it...