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Showing posts from June, 2010

This is Gibby.

"Gibby was collected from Bangkok in February 2008 at the age of 6 years, after being kept as a pet. Her owner looked after her very well, however, Gibby has a very loud singing voice and neighbours started to complain. A decision was then made for her to be donated to the [Gibbon Rehabilitation] project. Gibby is a different species of gibbon, known as a Golden-Cheeked gibbon, which are native to Indo-China. Gibby sucks her thumb, which is often seen as a comfort [behavioural defect] if they were removed from their mother at a young age. At present we are awaiting blood tests for her disease status before she can be moved to our rehabilitation site, where she will be part of our education at our viewing area." My family just adopted her for two years. You can adopt a gibbon too, just go to this website for more details: Thanks Mom :)

Sometimes being in the forest is tough...

I know. I'm obsessed with photographing sleeping monkeys. It's just so funny.